KAI Commuter, the operator of commuter trains in Indonesia, has recently introduced a new initiative to provide assistance to victims of harassment on their trains. The program, called “KAI Commuter beri pendampingan korban pelecehan di kereta” aims to support and protect passengers who have been subjected to harassment while traveling on their trains.
Harassment on public transportation is a common issue that affects many people, especially women. It can range from verbal harassment, such as catcalling and lewd comments, to physical harassment, such as groping and unwanted touching. These incidents can be traumatizing and have a lasting impact on the victims.
In response to this problem, KAI Commuter has partnered with various organizations and advocacy groups to create a support system for victims of harassment. Trained personnel are stationed at various points along the train routes to provide assistance to passengers who have experienced harassment. These personnel are equipped to provide emotional support, guidance, and information on how to report the incident to the authorities.
In addition to providing immediate assistance to victims, KAI Commuter is also working to raise awareness about harassment on public transportation. They have launched a public education campaign to inform passengers about their rights and how to respond to incidents of harassment. This includes displaying posters and announcements on trains and at stations, as well as conducting workshops and training sessions for staff and passengers.
The “KAI Commuter beri pendampingan korban pelecehan di kereta” program has been well-received by passengers and advocacy groups alike. Many believe that it is an important step towards creating a safe and inclusive environment on public transportation. By providing support to victims of harassment and raising awareness about the issue, KAI Commuter is taking a proactive stance in addressing this pervasive problem.
Ultimately, the goal of the program is to create a culture of respect and accountability on their trains, where all passengers feel safe and comfortable while traveling. KAI Commuter hopes that their efforts will help to reduce incidents of harassment and create a more positive experience for all passengers.